Philosophy of Social Science
Reviews the philosophical foundations of empirical social science. The course emphasizes topics as: the nature and uses of language with special reference to concepts of meaning, understanding, definition, and verification; theory building and causal inference; systems theory; structural-functional theory and other empirical theories; the problem of discovery, verification and experimental confirmation; the role of values…
Designing Organizations for Impact
Students will study the structure and dynamics of organizational open systems. Students will learn to design formal organization structures that fit with the strategy of their business and the culture of their organization. There will be a focus on the external environment, technology, structure (and their interrelationship), organizational culture and change management. The students will…
Societal impact evaluation: implications for boundary spanning at the science-policy-society interface
MACKENZIE KING’s Master’s research focuses on social impact evaluation frameworks in boundary spanning organizations that intersect science, policy, and society. Utilizing the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research as a case study, the study proposes a survey based on the Productive Interactions framework to enhance societal impact assessment efficiently.