October 2023

  • Introduction to Sociology

    Sociology is the study of “1. What is the structure of society and how is it maintained?” “2. How do people make the world of their lives meaningful and live as members of that society?” and “3. What are the factors that change society and how can social change be achieved through people’s social actions?”.

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  • Introduction to Policy Studies

    This undergraduate-level course provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of public policy. Through lectures, discussions, simulations, and assignments, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the policy process and the complex dynamics that shape policy outcomes.

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  • Introduction to Development Studies

    This course provides a comprehensive exploration of Development Studies, navigating the complex interplay of economic, social, political, and environmental factors that shape global development. Through an in-depth study of the history, theories, and critiques of development, the course probes contemporary issues in the field, from gender roles and globalization to state intervention and civil society’s…

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  • Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship

    Social enterprises play an important role in solving social problems and bringing about social changes. This course focuses on the importance of mission management and aims to understand both theory and practice related to social enterprises. Students explore business ideas to solve social issues and analyze the concrete cases of how such ideas have been…

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  • Cultivating an Innovation Imperative: Rethinking NGO Governance for a Changing Nepal

    Nepal’s civil society, with over 60,000 NGOs, significantly impacts development in healthcare, education, and social justice. However, declining foreign aid and emerging market-based solutions threaten their traditional roles. This article emphasizes the need for innovative governance to enhance resource acquisition and oversight, urging NGOs to adapt and prioritize creativity to thrive in a changing environment.

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