Two reasons why I stopped Blogging

I started blogging back in September 2007 with Blogspot and abandoned my blog since September last year. There are  two simple reasons why I stopped. In this post, I will explore those two reasons and end with a call for your help to hold me accountable.

1. Lazy: I have this not ‘so unique‘ and proud characteristic. Well, mostly, I’m super lazy and don’t have the energy to do things and if that is the thing with writing and reading, it grows exponentially.


2. Lack of Content: This can be best described as my desire to start a perfectly readable and highly ‘intellectual‘ blog. This search has cost me almost a decade and I’m sure I won’t find that ‘ideal content‘ I’m striving for.


Moral of the Story

The best day for me to start that ‘amazing content’ was either Nine years back or it is today!

Call for Help

Over the last 2 years, one thing that has worked for me in my academic and professional life is the concept of “Accountability Partner/s”. This is a very simple concept, it is a group of friends with whom I share my goals and in turn, they ask me questions to hold me accountable. Simple! isn’t it?

While some gentlemen like Derek Silver suggest us to keep our goals to ourselves, but don’t worry there are ample published studies and articles that back my line of thought as well.

I am calling for your help to hold me accountable and continue blogging. Trust me, I have a lot of stories to share!

If you want to hold me accountable, let me know below.

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