5 things I learned in my first year at Wedu

(Note: I wrote this post in November 20, 2016 to document my one year-long learning at Wedu. This has been in the draft for long)

I completed my first year working with Wedu and here I present the five things I’ve learned:

1. Spreadsheet Skills: Trust me, I learned so much of spreadsheet skills in the last 12 months, I can use nested formulas and create sophisticated systems to support decision making and data analysis using google sheets and excel. Thanks to my amazing colleagues Vivian and  Daisy for guiding and Chanikarn for coming up with problems to be solved!


2. Think BIG? think scalability: How do I scale something that I am doing? Thanks to Mario! who has constantly pushed me to think BIG! and also think about scaling up what I do and how I do.


3. DATA: Data-driven decision making is another important skill I’m proud of learning in the last 12 months. What are these different numbers and texts on my computer screen saying and how do I infer meaning to improve my work has been the mentality throughout the year.


4. Work-Life Balance: Now, I know when to work and when is the time to STOP! Thanks to my amazingly professional colleagues who have inspired me to learn when to stop.


5. Ask Questions: Asking questions was not really in my blood (excuse – Asian values). In the last one year, I have realized there is no way I can understand things without asking questions.


What have you learned this year?